Keeping your costs down

Your homeowners policy is one of the most important policy to protect your home, and here are a few tips on how to keep your costs down. What insurance look for when insuring a new home to determine the price are: location of your home, the structure, and limits of coverage. Therefore; here are a few tips to keep your insurance low:
1. Know how much coverage you need or want from your insurance, and what you want insured. Keeping in mind major events which could be costly to repair, and others to which you could afford to self-insure.
2. Make a list of all your valuables, such as jewelry, paintings, collections, one a kind items.
3. Know how many claims your insurance have paid out in the past, if any claims. (Some companies might not even want to insure you depending on the type of claims paid in the past)
4. Credit score helps insurance companies determine your cost, much like your claim history.
5. Update or upgrade your home's systems regularly to the latest technologies to keep your home from suffering any damage.
6. (BIG ONE) Wind Mitigation = know if your roof is up to code, it means that it will resist to strong winds, and all your openings meaning windows and doors are high impact rated.
These are a few helpful tips you can manage to do on your own to keep your homeowners insurance cost down. Always keep a record and proof of all your personal items, video tape everything you have inside and outside your home as well to make sure in case an event does happen and you loose some of these items, that you get them back. Make sure to keep it all records in safe place as well.
Give one of our agents a call to help you insure all your most valuable assets like your home! We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine the best coverage to match your needs.